Purpose of This Policy

The main objectives of Exness’ Privacy Policy are as follows:

  • Transparency: To provide clear information about the types of personal data we collect and the specific reasons for its collection, including details on how data is gathered, whether through direct interactions or indirectly via technologies like cookies.
  • Building Trust: To foster trust and confidence among our users by clearly outlining our data handling practices, and demonstrating that your personal information is secured by robust protective measures.
  • Legal Compliance: To ensure compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations, thereby minimizing legal risks and adhering to international standards. This policy also explains how Exness handles legal requests for user data.
  • User Rights: To inform you of your rights related to your personal data, such as the rights to access, correct, delete, or transfer your information. The policy provides instructions on how you can exercise these rights.
  • Data Security: To describe the security measures we have in place to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access, ensuring that your data is managed securely and responsibly.
  • Relationship Management: To establish clear expectations about data management, helping to strengthen long-term relationships with our users through transparency and trust.

Information We Collect

Exness collects various types of information to provide and enhance our services, including:

  • Personal Identification Information: Names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, and other contact details collected during account registration, verification processes, or customer service interactions.
  • Financial Information: Details related to financial transactions, such as bank account numbers and payment card information, crucial for transaction processing and regulatory compliance.
  • Demographic Information: Information such as age, gender, occupation, and location, which helps us tailor our services to better suit user needs.
  • Technical Data: IP addresses, device types, browser types, and log data collected as you interact with our services, used to ensure functionality, enhance user experience, and improve service security.
  • Usage Information: Data on how users interact with our services, such as pages visited, links clicked, and time spent on pages, helping us understand user behavior and optimize our offerings.
  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Used to monitor activity on our platforms and store certain information to enhance user experience and analyze service usage.
  • Communication Information: Records of communications with Exness, including emails, chat logs, and phone calls, which help us address and resolve any issues you may face.

This Privacy Policy is crafted to keep you informed about how we handle your personal data at Exness, ensuring you can confidently engage with our services knowing your privacy is protected.

Privacy Policy: Purpose of Data Collection

Exness is committed to the privacy and protection of its users’ personal data. This section of the Privacy Policy explains why and how we collect data from our users across various services and platforms.

Key Purposes for Data Collection

  1. Service Delivery and Account Management:
    • Primary Goal: To facilitate the creation, management, and maintenance of user accounts. This includes executing transactions and providing ongoing customer support.
    • Data Utilized: Personal identification details and financial information are essential for ensuring users can access and benefit from Exness services seamlessly.
  2. Enhancing Service Quality:
    • Objective: To improve the overall user experience by analyzing how users interact with our services.
    • Method: Utilization of technical data and user interaction patterns to optimize website and platform functionality and meet user expectations.
  3. Security and Fraud Prevention:
    • Aim: To protect the integrity of transactions and secure user information against unauthorized access, fraud, and other malicious activities.
    • Process: Monitoring of technical and transactional data to ensure secure management of user assets and personal information.
  4. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:
    • Necessity: To fulfill legal obligations and comply with financial regulations and anti-money laundering laws.
    • Implementation: Verification of user identities, maintenance of financial transaction records, and ensuring all operations comply with legal frameworks.
  5. Marketing and Communication:
    • Purpose: To engage with users through updates, promotional offers, and other relevant communications about Exness services, with user consent.
    • Approach: Using contact information to maintain and build user relationships and keep them informed about new opportunities and features.
  6. Research and Analytics:
    • Goal: To refine and develop new products, enhance existing services, and make informed business decisions.
    • Techniques: Statistical analyses of market trends and user behavior patterns to better understand service impact and user needs.
  7. Customer Insights:
    • Objective: To tailor services to better meet the diverse needs of different user segments.
    • Methodology: Analysis of demographic and behavioral data to enhance user satisfaction and improve service usability.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

Exness values transparency in its data sharing practices to maintain user trust. Here’s an overview of potential data sharing and disclosure scenarios:

  1. Third-Party Service Providers:
    • Role: Perform functions like payment processing, data analysis, and customer support.
    • Data Handling: Access to personal information necessary for their duties, with strict prohibitions on using it for other purposes.
  2. Affiliates:
    • Purpose: Internal data sharing within the Exness corporate group to streamline services and enhance user experience.
  3. Legal Obligations:
    • Circumstance: Data may be disclosed in response to legal proceedings or to prevent security threats and fraud.
  4. Business Transactions:
    • Context: User data may be transferred as part of assets in mergers, acquisitions, or reorganizations.
  5. Marketing and Advertising:
    • With Consent: Data shared with third-party partners for marketing, based on user preferences and explicit consent.
  6. Aggregated or Anonymized Data:
    • Usage: For public relations or to show service effectiveness without revealing individual identities.
  7. Compliance and Safety:
    • Goal: To enforce terms, protect operations, and ensure the safety and security of users and others.

International Data Transfers

Given its global operations, Exness manages cross-border data transfers with stringent safeguards:

  • Overview: Data transfers across countries are necessary to provide consistent services worldwide.
  • Legal Framework: Compliance with EU data protection laws through mechanisms like standard contractual clauses.
  • Safeguarding Measures: Implementation of robust security measures such as encryption and secure server use to protect data during international transfers.
  • User Rights: Detailed rights regarding international data handling, including how users can access, correct, or delete their data.

Exness’s commitment to transparency, security, and regulatory compliance in data handling ensures a trustworthy and secure environment for all users.

Data Security Measures at Exness


The Data Security section of Exness’s Privacy Policy is essential for assuring users about the safety of their data. It outlines the robust measures Exness takes to protect personal information from unauthorized access, misuse, or exposure.

Security Measures

  • Technical and Organizational Safeguards: Exness employs a range of security measures including data encryption, secure server configurations, and the use of firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Regular security audits are conducted to reinforce the infrastructure.
  • Secure Data Transfer and Communication: The company utilizes secure protocols for all data transfers and communications to protect information during transit and storage.

Access Controls

  • Restricted Access: Access to personal data within Exness is strictly limited to employees, agents, and contractors who need it to perform their job functions. Strict confidentiality agreements are in place to ensure data is only used as necessary.

Training and Awareness

  • Employee Training: Exness conducts regular training sessions for all staff to ensure they are aware of and understand the company’s privacy and security policies, minimizing the risk of human error.

Data Breach Response Plan

  • Incident Response: In the event of a data breach, Exness has established protocols to promptly secure affected systems, assess the impact, and mitigate any damage. Affected users are notified in line with legal requirements.

Third-Party Vendors and Partners

  • Security Standards for Third Parties: Exness mandates that all third-party service providers who have access to user data uphold similar security standards. These partners are rigorously vetted and bound by contractual obligations to ensure compliance with data protection laws.

Continuous Improvement

  • Adapting to New Threats: Recognizing that threats evolve, Exness is committed to continuously updating and testing its security technologies to safeguard against new security challenges.

User Role in Security

  • User Participation: Exness emphasizes the importance of users taking proactive steps to secure their accounts, such as using strong passwords, safeguarding login credentials, and being alert to phishing attempts.

User Rights


The User Rights section informs users of their rights concerning their personal data and provides guidance on how to exercise these rights effectively.

Key User Rights

  • Right to Access: Users can request access to the personal data Exness holds about them to understand its use and processing.
  • Right to Rectification: Users have the right to have incorrect or incomplete data corrected.
  • Right to Erasure: Also known as the “Right to be Forgotten,” this allows users to request the deletion of their data when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Right to Restrict Processing: Users can request that the processing of their data be limited under certain circumstances.
  • Right to Data Portability: Users can move, copy, or transfer personal data easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way.
  • Right to Object: Users can object to the processing of their personal data based on their particular situation.
  • Rights Related to Automated Decision-Making: Protection against the risk that a potentially damaging decision is made without human intervention.
  • Right to Withdraw Consent: Users can withdraw consent at any time where personal data processing is based on consent.

How to Exercise These Rights

  • Practical Steps: The policy details how users can exercise their rights, including contact information for Exness’s Data Protection Officer and the relevant department.
  • Support for Users: Guidance is provided on the required information and how requests will be handled to ensure clarity and ease for users.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Usage and Purpose

  • Definition and Roles: Cookies are small text files used to improve user experience by enabling websites to remember user actions and preferences over time.
  • Types of Cookies Used by Exness:
    • Essential Cookies: Necessary for website functionality and cannot be switched off.
    • Performance and Analytics Cookies: Collect data on how users interact with the website to improve performance.
    • Functionality Cookies: Remember users’ choices to provide enhanced, more personal features.
    • Advertising Cookies: Used to deliver targeted advertising based on user interests.

Managing Cookies

  • User Consent: Exness informs users on how to give consent for cookies and how to withdraw it, including detailed instructions on adjusting browser settings to manage cookie preferences.
  • Implications of Non-Consent: Potential impacts of not accepting cookies are clearly outlined, such as reduced website functionality.

This comprehensive approach in Exness’s Privacy Policy ensures that users are well-informed of their rights, the security measures in place to protect their data, and how they can manage their privacy preferences effectively.

Changes to the Privacy Policy


This section is crucial for ensuring transparency and keeping users informed about their privacy rights and the handling of their data. Here’s what it typically encompasses:

  • Commitment to Notification: Exness is committed to notifying users of any changes to the privacy policy. This is essential for maintaining trust and ensuring that users are always informed about what data is collected, how it is used, and the circumstances under which it might be shared.
  • Methods of Communication: Exness will notify users of changes through direct communication methods such as emails or through prominent notifications on the company’s website. This dual approach ensures that all users are aware of any updates.
  • Timing of Notifications: Users are typically given advance notice of any policy changes before they take effect. This advance notice allows users time to review the changes and decide if they wish to continue using the services under the new terms.
  • Content of Updates: The policy will outline the types of changes that may be made, which could be due to new legal requirements, revisions in data processing practices, or shifts in business operations.
  • Reviewing Changes: Users are encouraged to review the updated policy to fully understand how their personal information will be handled moving forward. Periodic reviews are recommended to stay abreast of any changes.
  • Effective Date: Each update includes an effective date, indicating when the new terms will apply.
  • Archival of Previous Versions: Exness may maintain an archive of previous versions of the privacy policy, allowing users to see historical changes and enhancing transparency.
  • User Rights and Responsibilities: The section reiterates the importance of users reviewing policy updates and understanding their rights and responsibilities regarding their personal data under the new terms.

Contact Information


Providing clear and accessible contact information is crucial for maintaining open communication and ensuring transparency. Here’s what this section typically includes:

  • Contact Details for Privacy Inquiries: Exness provides specific contact details for privacy-related inquiries, such as a dedicated email address ([email protected]), and potentially a physical mailing address or a contact form on the company’s website. Multiple contact methods ensure that users can choose the most convenient option for them.
  • Data Protection Officer (DPO): If applicable, information about the Data Protection Officer, including their contact details and role within the company, is provided. The DPO oversees data protection strategies and ensures compliance with data protection laws, crucial in regions with stringent regulations.
  • Customer Support: For general inquiries that may involve personal data, such as account management issues, Exness includes contact details for their customer support team, such as a phone number, email address, or live chat support.
  • Social Media and Other Channels: Exness might list its social media profiles or other communication platforms where users can engage with the company. While less formal, these channels provide a quick way for users to contact the company or find updates.
  • Regulatory Authority Contact: In jurisdictions with strong data protection laws, Exness might provide contact information for the local data protection authority, enabling users to reach out if their privacy concerns are not adequately addressed by Exness.
  • Feedback and Suggestions: Exness encourages users to provide feedback on their privacy practices and policies, reflecting the company’s commitment to continuous improvement in data protection measures and adherence to high privacy standards.

This section is designed to ensure that users know how to contact Exness for any privacy concerns, facilitating easy exercise of their rights and access to necessary support.